Affiliate FAQ
Q1: What is the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program? The Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program is a partnership opportunity that allows you to become a valued business partner with Mods Drysuit. By joining this program, you can place links to Mods Drysuit products and categories on your website. This enables your website visitors to make purchases from Mods Drysuit through your site, and you earn a commission on each sale generated through your affiliate links.
Q2: Why should I consider joining the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program? By joining this program, you have the opportunity to earn a commission on all sales originating from your website. It's a straightforward way to monetize your website by linking to Mods Drysuit's products. Additionally, you can enhance your site's credibility by partnering with a reputable drysuit manufacturer.
Q3: Is there a fee or cost associated with joining the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program? No, there is no fee or cost to join the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program. It's absolutely free to become an affiliate.
Q4: How much can I expect to earn through the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program? Your potential earnings depend on the level of activity on your website and how effectively you promote Mods Drysuit products. The more active you are in showcasing different products on your site, through emails, and other promotional means, the higher your earning potential.
Q5: Are there any restrictions on websites that can participate in the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program? Most websites can participate in the program. However, Mods Drysuit may deny approval to websites that promote prohibited content, including sexually explicit material, violence, discrimination, illegal activities, and violations of intellectual property rights.
Q6: Can non-US residents participate in the Affiliate Program? Yes, the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program is open to participants from around the world, regardless of their location. Visitors referred from your site will also be eligible for any applicable promotions offered by Mods Drysuit.
Q7: Is there an age requirement for participating in the Affiliate Program? Yes, you must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program.
Q8: Can I join the program even if my website is not yet live? Yes, you can join the program before your website is live. Mods Drysuit provides text and HTML-based marketing materials that you can use in emails or other marketing avenues.
Q9: How can I get more information about the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program? For more information about the program, you can contact Mods Drysuit by emailing to , and they will respond to your inquiries promptly.
Q10: What is the process for signing up for the Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program? To sign up, you should review the Affiliate Agreement, agree to the affiliate terms and conditions, and then fill out the simple Affiliate Signup form on the Mods Drysuit website. Click the "Submit" button, and you will receive an email once your registration has been approved. During this waiting period, your account will function normally but will not be tracked for commissions. If your registration takes longer than 48 hours, you can contact Mods Drysuit at the provided email address.
Q11: Can I customize or personalize the images provided by Mods Drysuit? No, you cannot change or personalize the images provided by Mods Drysuit. However, you can submit specific banners that you'd like to see linked, and Mods Drysuit will add them for you, allowing you to create banners that suit your website's design.
Q12: Can I set up multiple links to the Mods Drysuit website? Yes, you can set up multiple links to the Mods Drysuit website. You can use banners or create product and category-specific links to their site. These options are perfect for email campaigns, blog posts, or other website pages. You can also advertise your affiliate links in online forums and other online platforms.
Q13: Can I link to Mods Drysuit from more than one website? Yes, you can link to Mods Drysuit from multiple websites. However, each website must be approved independently by Mods Drysuit before you can use their banners on them.
Q14: What types of advertising are allowed in the Affiliate Program? You can engage in various forms of advertising to promote Mods Drysuit, as long as it does not discredit the company, violate the rules of the Affiliate Program, or harm the reputation of your own website.
Q15: How does Mods Drysuit track buyers who come from my website? All links from your website to Mods Drysuit's website include a unique ID. This ID allows Mods Drysuit to identify customers who come from your site and credit you if they make a purchase. It's crucial to use the exact HTML code provided in your account manager to ensure accurate tracking.
Q16: What happens if a visitor from my site clicks through to Mods Drysuit, doesn't make a purchase, but returns later to make a purchase without clicking through my site again? If a visitor initially comes from your site to Mods Drysuit and returns within 60 days to make a purchase without clicking through your site again, the sale will still be credited to your account.
Q17: How much commission will I earn for sales that originate from my site? Commission rates vary for dealers, ambassadors and affiliates starting at 5%. The Mods Drysuit Affiliate Program may offer tier levels, so depending on your level of referrals, you may have the opportunity to earn a higher commission percentage.
Q18: How can I track the number of people who visit and register with Mods Drysuit through my site? You can easily track the number of visitors and registrations generated through your affiliate account. Mods Drysuit provides various online reports, including click-through rates and commission tracking.
Q19: How do I monitor my incoming sales and profits? Monitoring your incoming sales and profits is simple. Mods Drysuit offers an online password-protected reporting system that provides detailed statistics for your website. This system tracks the visitors you send to Mods Drysuit's site and automatically records sales and traffic data. You earn commissions when products purchased at Mods Drysuit from a link on your site are shipped. Commission statements with fee details are generated, and you can request a check when you're ready to receive your earnings.